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European measures to minimise disruption caused by volcanic ash

Guidelines issued today will help to minimise airspace closures in the event of volcanic ash reaching Europe without compromising safety standards. This is the result of the European Commission, Eurocontrol and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) working closely together with airlines, regulators, and aircraft and engine manufacturers over the past month. The improved approach will offer Member States greater flexibility in deciding how to manage their airspace, allowing for less flight disruption while still ensuring the highest level of safety. In addition the Commission and Eurocontrol have decided to create a European Aviation Crisis Coordination Cell (EACCC) to ensure a timely response to any future pan-European crisis severely affecting aviation.

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KE poszerzyła „czarną listę” linii lotniczych

Komisja zaktualizowała wykaz linii lotniczych, podlegających zakazowi wykonywania przewozów w europejskiej przestrzeni powietrznej. Do listy został dopisany przewoźnik z Surinamu oraz rozszerzono ograniczenie na Iran Air. Ponadto, dwóch przewoźników z Indonezji zostało wykreślonych z czarnej listy.

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Rapex: protecting consumers

Fewer dangerous products reach consumers due to the EU’s Rapex rapid alert network.A record 2 244 unsafe products were banned, withdrawn from the market or recalled from European consumers in 2010 – 13% more than the year before.

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