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Investments, real estate and internet access among lowest ranking consumer markets, pensions and securities”, „real estate services” and „internet service provision” are the three markets most likely to be failing consumers across the EU, according to the autumn 2010 Consumer Markets Scoreboard published today. Among goods markets, „second-hand cars”, „clothing and footwear” and meat have scored lowest. At the other end of the spectrum, airlines show good results in spite of the disruptions of spring 2010 and consumers also appreciate cultural goods and services.

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Darmowe porady prawne w Miasteczku Europejskim już 7 maja!

Włoskie linie lotnicze nie wypłaciły Ci należnego odszkodowania za zniszczoną walizkę? Samochód kupiony w niemieckim komisie okazał się być składakiem? W najbliższą sobotę, 7 maja, przyjdź na Nowy Świat w Warszawie. Eksperci z Europejskiego Centrum Konsumenckiego będą udzielali porad dot. praw konsumentów w Unii Europejskiej i dochodzenia roszczeń od zagranicznych przedsiębiorców.

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European Commission takes action to ease access to justice in cross-border legal disputes

Settling disputes and disagreements through courts is often costly and time-consuming. Cross-border cases are particularly complex due to different national laws and practical matters like costs or language. The European Union Mediation Directive – which was adopted on 21 May 2008 (IP/08/628) and is in force since 21 May 2011– applies when two parties who are involved in a cross-border dispute voluntarily agree to settle their dispute using an impartial mediator.

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Holiday did not go as you had planned? You don’t know how to prepare a complaint form? Get to know

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