Українська версія: натисніть тут

Air travel

Purchase of a plane ticket

Before buying a plane ticket, check the fare (refundable or non-refundable) and make sure that you can cross the border in the destination country with your documents. If you do not have a passport, it is worth contacting the embassy of the country you are flying to.

Flight cancelled

Delayed flight:

Compensation – delayed or cancelled flight

If your flight is delayed at your destination by 3 hours or cancelled at least 14 days before the flight due to the fault of the airline, you may be entitled to compensation of between EUR 250 and EUR 600 (the amount depends on the length of the flight).

Airplane luggage

Report this to the luggage claim office before you leave the airport. Ask for a PIR report to be issued by the office. Then, send a written complaint to the airline. You have 7 days to do so if your luggage is damaged and 21 days if it is delayed. Do not miss the deadline!

Complaint to the airline

The European Consumer Centre has prepared a summary of complaint forms for most European airlines:
Find the carrier you were flying with, the link will take you to the complaint form.

You can find templates of complaints in Polish and English at:

Train travel

Some railway undertakings (also from other countries) offer free transport to Ukrainian citizens. Check this before you buy your ticket on the official website of the railway undertaking.

When travelling by train in the EU, Norway or Iceland, you have certain rights.

If a train is cancelled or delayed by at least 60 minutes, you have the following rights:

If you have paid for your ticket, you may also receive compensation if your train is delayed.

The amount of compensation depends on the length of the delay and the ticket price:

You can find templates of complaints in Polish and English at:

Overnight accommodation/hotel stay

Remember! The service you buy should be in line with the offer! If you have booked a room with 3 beds and there are fewer beds upon arrival, you can complain about this. Report it immediately to the hotel staff and ask for a room change. If the hotel does not respond after you report it, make sure to gather evidence. Take photos and send a complaint.

You can find templates of complaints in Polish and English at:

ECC-Net assistance

If you live in an EU country (even for a short time) and use services provided by company in other EU countries, Norway, Iceland or the UK, you can turn to the European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net) for help.

Examples of situations in which you can turn to the European Consumer Centres for help:

Useful contacts to institutions that help:

Other EU initiatives for advice and support

We understand consumer issues may not be on your mind right now. Here are some EU pages and organisations that may be of help:

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