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Ski Resorts in Europe 2012/2013

The report “Ski Resorts in Europe 2012/2013” is the result of the second pan-european survey on ski resorts conducted by the ECC-Net and focuses on the price range and infrastructure of ski, cross-country and indoor resorts all over Europe. Altogether almost 400 winter sport resorts replied.

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72,000 EU consumers helped by European Consumer Centres in 2012 – Annual Report

The results of the 2012 Annual Report of the European Consumer Centres (ECCs) shows that each year more and more consumers benefit from the information and assistance services provided by the ECCs.

In 2012 the ECCs across the European Union handled more than 72,000 enquiries and complaints from consumers about purchasing across borders in an EU country, Norway or Iceland. From the 32,000 actual complaint cases, around 60% concerned e-commerce, which demonstrates the increasing tendency to shop online. About one third related to the transport sector, and 22% of them to air transport.

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The Spongebob costume sent after deadline

Polish consumer had bought for her child Spongebob costume. French online shop guaranteed performance of the contract within three days from the date of purchase. Despite fast, timely payment and repeated requests, the consumer did not received the consignment on time.

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Conclusion of the contract without consumer’s knowledge

Client of German travel agency has received a special voucher which gave him a discount at prospective purchasers of trips. The consumer decided to check the veracity of the offer. He chose a random destination on the agency’s website and entered in the online form number of voucher. It turned out that the price in fact was lower by 15%. The next day the consumer received an email that confirmed purchasing of trip, although he has not fulfilled any fields necessary to conclude an agreement.

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Consumer rights on the Internet and e-businesses

On March 24th in Krakow was held a meeting „Consumers rights online” with European Commissioner for consumer policy Neven Mimica organized by MEP Roza Thun with the European Consumer Centre in Poland, the Chamber of Digital Economy and Trusted Shops. The meeting was an excellent opportunity to learn about current activities and plans of the European Commission regarding consumer rights on the Internet.

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Plastered designer shoes

A consumer purchased branded shoes form German online store. In a surprisingly short time shoes, despite that they were used sporadically and in a manner consistent with the agreement, got unsticked. The consumer has contacted the trader twice, but was offered only lowering the price of shoos by 20 PLN, which was a small percentage of the price of shoes.

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Tell us your opinion

Did you ever pay for an extended warranty when purchasing a product on the high street or online? ECC-Net runs survey regarding extended warranty.

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O pozycji konsumenta na rynku w listopadzie

Europejskie Centrum Konsumenckie zaprasza na wykład prowadzony przez ECK w Europe Direct Warszawa pt.: Nowe przepisy prawa konsumenckiego – lepsza pozycja konsumenta na rynku? Spotkanie odbędzie się 20 listopada (czwartek) o godz. 16.00.

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A complaint to the dentist

During the holiday Austrian consumer had to go to the dentist in Poznan/Poland. Unfortunately surgery was performed badly, so the consumer complained of pain in the jaw and headache.

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ECC-Net Travel – darmowa aplikacja na wakacje

Z wieloma trudnymi sytuacjami często musi się zmierzyć podróżujący po Europie turysta. Zarezerwowany pokój w hotelu jest niedostępny, zakupiona pamiątka okazuje się bublem, podczas odbioru samochodu okazuje się, że cena za wynajem jest droższa niż uzgodniono: któż z nas tego nie doświadczył?

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