Neven Mimica pointed out that the national administrations should inspire from the experience of European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net), to which ECC Poland belongs, during the creation and implementation of consumer protection policies. The Commissioner added that the operation of the network contributes significantly to the improvement of consumer confidence to entrepreneurs of other EU countries. Therefore, from the operation of the ECC-Net benefit both these two groups.

The Commissioner stressed the importance of introducing online dispute resolution platform (ODR) and the importance of protection of personal data, which in today’s world have become the „new currency”. Neven Mimica noted that by selling online, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to reach a wider spectrum of customers with their offer, and consumers have a more diverse selection. To enable consumers to make rational decisions, the European Commission wants to regulate the operation of price comparison websites in European countries based on identical criteria.

Representatives of traders from e-commerce industry agreed that the implementation of Directive 2011/83/EU is chance to equalize e-traders position on the EU market. At present the key is the correct implementation of the provisions into national law in this manner that the Polish companies would be in fact in the same situation as their foreign competitors. The traders have expressed concern that the adoption of the Bill on Consumer Rights (implementing Directive 2011/83/EU) will be late, e-shops will have very little time for proper adjusting their operation to the new complex requirements.

The problem, which drew attention to the representatives of the e-commerce, is the unlawful action of e-shops in the EU, which are registered outside the European Union. Consumer protection is then difficult, and the operation of such entities weakens the position and reputation of the entire sector. Undoubtedly introduced solutions ADR and ODR platform will help consumers to select companies from the EU, because then they will have guaranteed an additional tool in case of difficulties.

At the end of the discussion was expressed hope that the meeting will result in the future constant dialogue between European policy makers and representatives of the e-commerce industry in Poland. Meeting in Krakow was the first such direct consultation with the Commissioner for Consumer Policy.

The discussion was attended by, next to Commissioner Neven Memica, Roza Thun, Piotr Stanczak – Director of ECC Poland, Grzegorz Wojcik – President of the Chamber of Digital Economy and Anna Rak Country Manager of Trusted Shops in Poland.

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