Removing barriers due to contract law differences should bring an overall benefit to the European economy. Over 122,000 EU businesses are expected to start selling to consumers in other Member States; and the total number of consumers buying online from other EU countries could reach up to 70 million. This will open up new markets, especially for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), increase competition and contribute to economic growth: lower consumer prices are expected to boost consumption in the EU by €18 billion and EU GDP is expected to increase by €4 billion from its current level.

Consumers will benefit from a higher level of consumer protection, a wider choice of products at more competitive prices:

For more information

Other useful links

European Digital Single Market Announcement by President Juncker – video

Webpage on the Digital Single Market (#DigitalSingleMarket)

A Digital Single Market for Europe: Commission sets out 16 initiatives to make it happen (6 May 2015)

Webpage of Vice-President for the Digital Single Market Andrus Ansip (@Ansip_EU)

Webpage of Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality Vera Jourova (@VeraJourova)

President Juncker’s political guidelines

Commission Work Programme 2016

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