If the passengers want to have a chance to collect their money, they should use the way of complaint procedure and then lodge a motion to the Commission of Passengers’ Rights Protection at Civil Aviation Office to obtain a decision (it is regulated by an ordinance 261/2004/WE).

The use of possibilities given by the claim procedures is a necessary condition which may allow to meet the demands, if funds to cover claims appear.


Useful numbers and addresses:

OLT Express Call Centre:

Phone number: 48 (58) 735 5555

E-mail addresses: rezerwacja@oltexpress.com, reklamacje@oltexpress.com


Komisja Ochrony Praw Pasażerów (Commission of Passengers’ Rights Protection)

Urząd Lotnictwa Cywilnego (Civil Aviation Office)

ul. M. Flisa 2 02-247 Warszawa

Phone number: 48 (22) 520 74 84

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