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The conflict over the flight distance

The Lithuanian consumer and his wife travelled from Los Angeles to Palanga (city in Lithuania) via Warsaw. The flight from Warsaw to Palanga operated by the Polish airlines was cancelled, therefore the trader offered them a flight on the next day. Afterwards consumer decided to field a complaint demanding compensation of 1200 EUR (600 EUR per person). The airlines agreed to pay an amount of 250 EUR per person, indicating only the distance between Warsaw and Palanga. The consumer disagreed with the proposal of the Polish trader and reported the case to the ECC Lithuania, which has been transferred the case to the ECC Poland.

The ECC Poland in correspondence with the carrier citied examples of court judgments which pointed out that the concept of “distance” for combined flights (within the same reservation) includes the distance between the first place of departure and the destination airport (in this case between Los Angeles and Palanga). Thanks to the cooperation between the ECC Lithuania and the ECC Poland, consumers received a compensation of 1200 EUR.