Today marks the day of the 20th anniversary of Safer Internet Day. The event aims to raise awareness about the responsible and safe use of the internet, particularly for children and young people. As always, the European Consumer Centres Network (ECC-Net) is delighted to take part in the celebrations.
Safer Internet Day’s slogan ‘Together for a Better Internet’ highlights the collective effort of everyone who has a part to play in improving digital rights and internet safety. From EU institutions and policymakers to parents, teachers and young people themselves.

Year-round campaigns and input

ECC-Net cares strongly about the safety of our internet consumption and participation. We work for a better and safer online environment year-round and collaborate across Europe.
  • Last year representatives of ECC-Net attended a roundtable organised by Better Internet for Kids, discussing topics such as online gaming, influencer marketing and potential areas for future collaboration.
  • ECC-Net collected and delivered input on the digitalisation of consumer markets for the Fitness Check of EU consumer law on digital fairness.
  • ECCs launched campaigns about topics such as dark patterns and worked together to create an educational toolkit of difficult situations young consumers may encounter online.

Digital detox

Like every year, many European Consumer Centres are helping to raise attention and spread awareness for Safer Internet Day on their websites and through social media. This year’s contributions focus on how a little ‘digital detox’ can help us safeguard our data and privacy.

  1. Turn off your smartphone
    Your phone and various apps track your movements and location at all times. Remove these permissions or turn off your smartphone completely when you don’t need it to get a true tech break.
  2. Delete unused apps
    Your smartphone is essentially a collection of apps that collect and use your personal data, even when you’re not actively using these apps. Have a good digital clean-up and delete the apps you do not need anymore.
  3. Turn off your Wi-Fi on the go
    On the move? Your Wi-Fi may automatically connect to the public networks you come across if you don’t turn it off. These may not always be safe and may collect your location data.
  4. Protect your mental mindfulness
    Mental health and fitness apps can help reduce anxiety or improve sleep. But be careful who you share your most private thoughts with. Many of these apps do not take great care to protect your mental health data and privacy.
  5. Spot dark patterns and avoid manipulation
    Dark patterns are texts or design elements pressuring us into performing a certain action on a website or in an app: “Hurry up, only 3 items left!” Being able to spot these patterns will help you determine whether you really want to click or buy something.
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