Linked Travel Arrangements - consumer rights
Linked travel arrangements (LTAs) are travel services that are bought from different organisers or sellers — e.g. travel agencies — in separate contracts but are linked so as to put together one trip. They are classified as linked when one trader facilitates the booking of the subsequent service(s), and all services are purchased for the same trip or holiday.
To qualify as an LTA, the combination of travel services should not constitute a package, and a supplier should facilitate the:
- Booking based on a single visit (e.g. to a travel agent) or contact with its point of sale, or
- Second booking, which is made in a targeted manner — and the contract for the second travel service provided by another supplier should be concluded within 24 hours of the booking confirmation for the first travel service.
A combination of a travel service (such as accommodation) and a tourist service (like a guided tour or concert admission) can only be classified as a linked travel arrangement if the tourist service accounts for 25% or more of the trip’s overall value or is an essential feature of the trip.
The trader cannot offer the LTA as a standard package or arrangement. You should conclude separate contracts with the individual travel service providers — although all this is facilitated by a single trader.
Before closing the LTA contract, the trader (the organiser or seller of the trip, e.g. a travel agency) should at least clearly inform you about the following facts:
- You are about to book an LTA
- Different rules and rights apply to an LTA than to a travel package
- The trader is responsible for the portion of the trip they offer — which the traveller books with them
- The trader provides security of the payments in event of bankruptcy
- Directive (EU) 2015/2302 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 November 2015 on package travel and linked travel arrangements, amending Regulation (EC) No 2006/2004 and Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directive 90/314/EEC
- Polish Act of November 24, 2017 on tourist events and related tourist services