Submit a complaint or ask a question
ECC Poland provides information on consumer rights and assists in resolving disputes at the following address:
Consumer complaints are dealt with using IT system IT-Tool of European Consumer Centers network. Before contacting the European Consumer Center, we kindly ask you to read the following instructions:
- Consumers name and surname (anonymous messages will remain unanswered)
- Case description
- Consumers name and surname (anonymous messages will remain unanswered)
- Trader data
- Case description, especially:
- Information about the contract – date of contract/ the way of concluding the contract
- Description of product or service
- Description of problem – non delivery of product/ defective product
- Information of complaint procedure
- Determination of consumer claim (ex. amount of compensation)
- Documentation of the case sent as an attachment
* Indicating the telephone number is voluntary, but in many cases it can improve communication.
- The complaint should be sent as ONE e-mail that contains description of the problem and attachments.
- The complaint documentation should be sent only in form of attachments – up to 4 attachments.
- The subject of the e-mail correspondence with ECC should not be changed – otherwise, the case can be register again.
- ECC accepts attachments in form of PDF, WORD, JPG, EXCEL.
- The maximum size of attachments is 30 MB.
- Please, send the correspondence with the trader in the form of an attached WORD, PDF or JPG file. E-mails sent in “forward” mode may not be read by the system.
*Above technical requirements are determined by the usage of Internet system IT – Tool administrated by the European Commission. In case of problem, please, sent case documentation by regular mail (post) or contact at 22 55 60 600.
The condition for assistance in case of dispute with foreign trader is to meet the following criteria:
- Consumer nature of the case
- Cross-border nature of the case (from the EU, Norway or Iceland)
- Exhaustion of the complaint procedure – receipt unsatisfactory response from the trader or lack of answer to the complaint within a month.
- Sending the description of the case and a copy of the complete documentation.
The replies to consumers are provided in accordance with the order of receipt. The waiting time is about 30 days. Due to temporary hight workload, this time may be extended.
The European Consumer Centers network operates in amicable and extrajudicial way. We do not have the legal means of coercion, and the proceedings conducted by the ECC do not suspend the limitation period for redress before courts.